What Goes Around Comes Around – Progressives and Black Women Refuse to Learn



If we run with the Trotsky Communist slogan, ‘Down with the Communists,” we automatically become partisans of the filthiest underground that has ever existed any- where on this earth: Trotsky Communism.” – John H. Monk

A Stalinist represents primordial Russian nationalism. A Trotskyite represents the J…..h interests of New York City. The J….h interests of New York suffered a terrific setback one day many years ago when a taciturn hood planted an ax in Leon Trotsky’s skull in a villa in Mexico.

The world Communist conspiracy is not a Russian conspiracy; it is an A……….n J……..h conspiracy. Today it is falling into great disrepute around the world. A……….a is being blamed for supporting communism around the world. Unhappily, the charge is true. New York is the real hub of the conspiracy.

If some of our Anti-Communists would stand up foursquare and tell this plain truth, we might possibly yet be liberated from J…..h misrule. Few of them ever do. Most of the Communists and many of the Anti-Communists are on the same payroll, the J…..h payroll. They carry on a sham battle with each other.

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The first basic rule of this sham battle is:”Never drag any real truth into the matter on either side; tell anything else you want to tell, but never tell the truth.” This is the basic background of most of the phony “experts” on Communism who have been “experting” about it for forty years and haven’t made a dent in it.

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These people generate the literature on Communism that is generally available to the American public.

 Therefore, they seek to divide the Gentile.They seek to make the middle class believe that the working class is allied to Red Russia. All of this is, and always was, pure hallucination, generated by J…..h intellectual quacks in order to promote a minority tyranny over the A………..n Majority. – Morris Horton


  1. Colloquially refers to a pseudo intellectual cynic who hides behind the rouse of critical thinking to support their lack of belief in anything they haven’t read in Scientific American.

They think they know everything about everything when in actuality a skeptic is the mirror image of the people they despise because they believe what they want to believe despite evidence to the contrary.

2.     A narrow minded individual who thinks viewing everything in a highly critical and suspicious lens makes him/her smart.

This behavior only serves to make the individual look like a poser intellectual, and an prick who takes the fun out of everything.

3.   A pseudo-critical thinker and intellectual wannabe. Generally exhibits the following markings:

1. a tendency to completely misunderstand intellectual concepts such as burden shifting in a debate;

2. holding out as an authority on subjects about which he or she has no training or expertise;

3. an inability to respond to any argument or evidence beyond bleating tired cliches memorized from JREF web forums, “Amazing Meetings” or from such intellecutal “giants” as Richard Dawkins, James Randi, and their ilk;

4. a slavish devotion to science, despite not having seriously, or even not at all, pursued an education or career in a given discipline;

5. a killjoy with a supernatural ability to suck the fun and life out of any gathering of people simply by entering the room.
Oh God, here comes Frank the skeptic. Let’s get out of here before he starts bloviating about “the rampant rise of irrationality in society, and kills the party for everybody. – three definitions of Skeptic on Urban Dictionary

David Carroll – Negro-ology 101

Diabolical Narcissism: GASLIGHTING

Diabolical Narcissism: SCANDAL, PART 1


Diabolical Narcissism Concepts: Projection

Diabolical Narcissism: If They See Something Good, They Want To Destroy It

Click to access DDDoA.pdf


What’s up guys, Zero of the Black Knights here with another post.

As I’ve said before in my posts on slayingevil.com, the modern day black woman and her progressive Lord and Master are the enforcers and action arm of the prolaterian internationalist and the globalist Sunni Muslim. Via the mainstream media, useful idiots on the left such as feminists and infiltrators on the right, as well as promoting abortion and anti-Christian mentality, both groups have created an army of the damned of single mother and feminist raised thug negroes, incels and bitter alt-righters that the apostate children of Abraham can use as a battering ram against Afro-European civilization and decent soceity. While all this is going on the Communists and fascists are working on fufiling the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto and building ‘Europe for the Atlantic to the Urals’ which will be joined with the People’s Republic of China and South Korea in a Eurasian superstate.

Hence why the deployment of Pastor Raven Doujinshi and Professor Alvin Chipmunk aka Shawn James and Umar Johnson on the right and characters such as David Duke, Richard Spencer, Alexandria Cortez and Bernie Sanders on the left. As suggested in a psychological warfare plan written by Alexander Dugin and made reccomended reading for the ‘Russian’ intelligence and military community, ‘Afro-American racists’ [pro-wack simps] and leftists {including white supremacists] must be used to destablize the New World. Dugin has since reinvented himself as a sort of folk hero among the teenage emos and neo-hippies of the alt-right, when still acting as a agent for the CPSU’s active measures program. If you don’t believe me, here’s an article on the plan here:

Alexander Dugin

This Russian textbook from 1997 predicted future in US and Europe

Some of you might be thinking, ‘well that’s the white man’s problem’, and here is where the deception deepens. Karl Marx, whose theories prolaterian internationalists follow with reverence, based his ideology off that of Hegel. Basically what the Hegallian dialectic means is to present a ideology (i.e authoritarianism in Europe a la Bismark), create a anti-thesis (progressivism and its subsection, white supremacy) and then use the synthesis (colonialism to destroy the old world for Eurasianism and Belt and Road) to consolidate and maintain power.

The true history will show that progressvism was a fringe cult of eugenicists, race power ideologes and useful idiots closely connected to pro-slavery interests before the French Revolution. Even the likes of Charles Darwin despised them and this was for a good reason. How then, were they able to seize control of Western Europe from the ancien regime and initiate colonialism in the first place?

I won’t go into the details of Albert Pike and how the mosque used the black woman and her Lord and Savior to destablize and weaken the West in preparation for the one world caliphate, but the same process is being used in modern times.

Black females and progressives have proven to be the most effective weapons in the Talmudist/Wahabbist and Communist arsenal since the creation of the Round Table by Cecil Rhodes. State controlled public education and a corrupt mainstream media have weakened the minds of the youth and created a population of docile, authority loving, childish and emotionally unstable deviants who can be easily influenced by radical ideologies. This and the glorification of drugs imported by Western intelligence agencies has been stated numerous times in exposes published across the years.

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Corrupt the youth and make them perverts – and you win the nation! This is our motto. We will deprive your community of young people, degrading it with sex, rock music, violence, alcohol, smoking, drugs, that is, we will deprive your society of the future. We will strike at the family, destroying it, we will reduce a birth rate.

Hitler was a stupid boy. He acted directly and openly. And it was an extremely hard work to do – to burn, shoot, to bury millions, and the like. He left bloody footprints. We act more cleverly: we will leave no traces. Reduce a birth rate at least by half – and you will be killing 2-3 million Russians a year without any physical effort. There is no need for ovens, ammunition, and graves. And there is no traces left. Not born – no one is guilty.

We will create the conditions for life for criminals better than for working cattle. We will be releasing criminals from prisons, so that there will be more murders, robberies, instability. Amnesty will apply only to thieves and murderers — in short, all but those convicted for “inciting ethnic hatred”, which is, in fact, the law against anti-Semitism.

We will sow fear among people. Cattle will fear for their lives, which will be worth nothing. They will fear for the workplace that could be taken away at any moment. They will fear for the future of their … We shall govern by fear. -The Rebbe of Chabad, MENACHEM MENDEL SCHNEERSON in a full speech published by V. F Popov in 2001

Transcript of the speech in English here:

Chabad leader, Messiah Menachem Mendel Schneerson on his plans for destroying Ukraine and Russia (reprint)

We will use all our might and money to dupe people. The human brain is liable for change. We will plant chaos in peoples’ heads and we will replace their true values with false ones. We will find allies in Russia. Step by step we will watch the slow death of the most rebellious nation that ever existed. Cinema, theater, literature will cultivate the lowest human feelings. We will impose a cult of sex, violence, treachery etc. We will make a mess of a government. Honesty and morale will become redundant. Cruelty, lies, drug and alcohol abuse, distrust and hostility will become essential part of life. Generation after generation will be undermined. The youth will be our tool. We have to corrupt and subvert them”. – Allen Dulles, former CIA head in a secret speech to a group of F……….s in the 1940s.

A.Dulles (Director of CIA) formulated the principle of CIA’s activity – 10% intelligence activities (collecting and passing over information) and 90% of subversion activities. Experts estimate that out of 29.1 billion dollars assigned for CIA activities in 1999 around 9 billion was spent on undermining work in Russia. Part of this money goes on financial support of gangs in Chechnya and other regions of Caucasus and Middle Asia. – Oleg Platunov

Does this remind you of a certain cult anyone?

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A former KGB agent named Yuri Bezmenov exposed a similar process being done in the West by the GRU and KGB after his defection. The Communists have attempted to remove his work from the public domain but thankfully some copies have survived.


Communism and Islamism have been able to conquer the world due to the false promise of a ‘kingdom of God on Earth’, for deluded Zionist Christians, and a ‘worldwide workers’ paradise’ for the useful idiots seduced by Marxist-Leninism. Christ said, ‘My kingdom is not of this world’ and warned the disciples to beware of the yeast of the Pharasees and Sadducees. The book ‘Union Jack’ published by the WHITE WOMAN Helen Peters [it’s author is unknown] exposes how Sunni Muslim extremists through the British Empire have decieved otherwise sincere Christians into supporting the one world caliphate run from Jerusalem by twisting Bibical prophecy to support their aims.

Click to access UnionJack.pdf

While Justin Royek and the rest of the ‘intellectual dark web’ whine about public school trained, militant domestic terrorists trained by YOUR tax money and Russian and Chinese aggression, they fail to tell you that they brought Communism and fascism to these nations. FDR was a useful idiot for the ‘British’ and had to be blackmailed by Stalin into joining the Allies. Of course the Georgian dictator and the US military leaders he was working with to end the war quickly were all destroyed by scandal, needless wars and ‘exposes’ of their dirty deeds.

Those who bray about the Holodomor will never mention the swakitsa wearing, goose stepping thugs that came before the ‘Man of Steel’. Or that Hitler and the Nazis were inspired by these thugs to the point where they even shared the same symbols.

Meanwhile, the intellectual descendants of Trotsky and Khruschev are sending Antifa neo KKK militants into Ukraine using Russian intelligence as the front man.Putin the cuck is presented to the desperate masses of the West as a ‘savior’ while profiting from the staged conflict between his nation and the EU.

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Khruschev said once ‘we will not have to do anything to you, we will destroy you!’. He also mentioned that the New World would be slowly influenced to move from capitalism to communism via ‘small doses of socialism’ given to them by their elected leaders. The 45 goals of Prolaterian Internationalism in the Americas have been mostly fulfilled thanks to the cult of popular culture and the inadequacy of it’s leaders. All the followers of Leon Trotsky need to do is continue implementing State Department Publication 7277 which calls for a world government in the name of ‘peace’ and their leader’s delusional goal of a global communist republic will become a reality.

Sunni Muslim extremists have a similar goal but their aim is a world caliphate divided into regions filled with smart cities and gulags for the extremists. This plot is currently being advanced under ‘multipolarity’ headed by China/South Korea and Russia against the ‘imperialism’ of the ‘decadent West’ [which has been taken over by Bolshevecks via their useful idiots in ‘progressives’ and black women] in geopolitics and the clash of the ‘kingdom of God on Earth’ against the forces of ‘global communism’ headed by Russia and China in spiritual circles.

Whichever side you take – the result is the same.

Progressive and black female supremacy using the white man as the enforcer and debt collector is only a means of destroying the ‘old order’ of national sovereignity and Afro-European Western civilization so that China and Saudi Israel can take over via the Belt and Road, and the one world caliphate run by the AI tribal moon god from Jerusalem’s Third Temple will be seen as the ‘Kingdom of God on Earth’.

The conflict between Progressives and their deluge of special interest groups which they have used to destroy society in the name of ‘equality’, most prominently white men, are a distraction meant to create a race war which will aid the goals of Islamism and Communism greatly. Woodrow Wilson was but a puppet of the British Intelligence agent Colonel House – why are alternatehistory.com, RationalWiki and Stormfront all silent on this matter?

This is why pro-wack simps and the Progressives whom they supposedly oppose are in direct opposition to SYSBM and black men using their passports. Black women and their Lord and Savior have stolen trillions of dollars from black men since the time of slavery if the statistics of ex-banker and economist Aaron Clarey are to be believed. Clarey’s magnum opus Worthless is also a must read to understand how public education is used as a means of creating an artificial need for socialism.

‘Change the story, change the lead, it’s not a new concept’.

Creative destruction – placing and manipulating useful idiots, true believers and cynical scumbags into creating a deluge of problems then having your mouthpieces, sleeper agents and infiltrators in the resistance blame all of these problems on the ‘old order of things’ aka national sovereignty and then propose ‘regionalism’ or ‘multipolarity’ on one side, ‘a sovereign federation of nations’ on the other and a ‘kingdom of God on Earth’ for the religious. All are roads to the same paths of world government and whether NATO or BRICS calling the shots, the result is the same.


The popular mecha anime Code Geass: Lelouch of the Revolution which recieved a award winning English dub during it’s airing, stated the same thing but in a much more subtile manner. Without giving away any spoilers, the protagonist’s initial benovelent attempts to liberate a Japanese mainland occupied by a Anglo-Russian Empire that never split during WW1 eventually transform him into a fusion of Che Guerva and Pol Pot, killing millions in his zeal to destroy the Empire and create a ‘better world’. There’s also a sub-plot in the show that revolves around immortals giving superpowers to unlucky victims and a conspiracy to merge the ‘collective unconciousness’ of mankind within the royal family, but clips of the show can easily be found on Youtube.


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In short, thinking black men must learn the secret of the Hegallian dialetic and how it has been used to seize power over the centuries. The current staged conflict between Progressives and white men due to the cult’s usage of the latter as a enforcer and applier of power to achieve it’s aim in years past, is a distraction from the theft of Western technology by China and Saudi Isreal and the parasitic international banking elite who ultimately control the regressive left and black women, using them as a means to keep the West in corruption and decadence so when the EUSSR and China strike, it will be too late.

Israeli Spying


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Get your passport and explore black men, don’t let corrupt fake liberals and their black female soulmates hold you down via word sematics and staged conflicts between front groups.

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